What to Do When You Have No Hot Water

You hop into the shower on a winter morning here in Clermont expecting hot water coming from your shower-head, and you’re shocked and disappointed when you feel an ice-cold chill. This is one of the worst feelings there is! So what are you supposed to do when there’s no hot water in your home? You depend heavily upon your hot water supply every single day so this isn’t a part of your home that you can afford to live without. No...

What is Sewer Line Camera Inspection

We don’t expect you to give much thought to your plumbing system on a daily basis. For the most part, the entire network of it is out of sight and out of mind. So, we want you to stop and think—how do plumbers diagnose problems that aren’t in direct view? Your pipes aren’t transparent. Even when you think you have the symptoms of a leak how can you know for certain without ripping up your plumbing? The answer is video...

How To Choose A Water Heater

Water Heater Repair and Installation How To Choose a Water Heater Type: Tank or Tankless?   How to choose a water heater type can be confusing, so here are the pros and cons of each.  We compare Tank (conventional water heater)  Vs. Tankless (on-demand hot water heater).   So you’ve decided that you need a new water heater. Maybe you’re moving into a new home or you’ve just come to that point in time when you need an upgrade. Either way, there are so...