Monthly Archives - November 2018

Cleaning Clogged Drains

Cleaning Clogged Drains Cleaning Clogged Drain A clogged drain in your home may be caused by flushed solids or damaged drainpipes.  Before you run to your local hardware store and grab a bottle of your favorite drain cleaner, you should diagnose your problem further.  We are not suggesting that a drain cleaning solution such as Drano doesn't work or relieve clogged drains rather, that it's not the only solution and often homeowners expect it to be.  before we jump into the solution...

5 Things You Should Never Drain Down Your Kitchen Sink

You’ve made it through the start of the holiday season without a hitch but make sure you finish strong! We service lots of homeowners during this time of year who have run into problems with their garbage disposal system and we understand why—this time of year is high impact. If you’re unaware of what common food items and byproducts are bad for your drain, we’ve comprised a list below. Even if you’re informed you might have made prior slip-ups in...

How To Choose a Plumbing Service Near You

Choosing a Plumber in Orlando  Looking for plumber near me? Are you confused by search results for plumbing companies near you? Here are tips in how to find the best plumber near you.   We provide you easy steps in choosing the most qualified and accredited plumbing service nearby your home and around Central Florida. Most important is that you understand that it pays off to research and hire the right plumber. Because the right choice will insure you a repair service...

Helpful Tips for Choosing the Right Water Heater

How To Choose a Water Heater When it’s time to buy a water heater, you want to ensure that you’re getting the best system on the market for your home. Your water heater is a heavily used appliance in your home. Your water heater accounts for a whopping 17% of your home’s energy usage. This means that this one appliance consumes more energy than all the other appliances in your household combined. Knowing Your Options The first step in deciding what water heater...